pv magazine: 247Solar close to commercializing modular concentrating solar plant

247Solar said it is one step closer to commercializing its solar thermal electric generating technology, which has been under development for more than a decade, with an $8 million Series A funding round, $6 million of which has been closed to date.

The company produces “247Solar Plants” that are capable of producing 400 kW of electricity from 1,800 F heat using a solar receiver design. It is a proprietary thermal storage system with a unique turbine, to produce 24/7 solar electricity.

The system can generate heat and electricity 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Like traditional concentrating solar power (CSP), 247Solar’s technology uses mirrors to reflect sunlight onto a receiver tower. The tower is shorter than traditional CSP towers, and its turbines run on hot air at normal atmospheric pressure, which the company said reduces the system’s complexity.

Image: 247 Solar

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Peter Kelley